Dominican Independence
On February, 27 1844 the Dominican Republic was
born as a nation as it fought valiantly to acquire its
independence from the Republic of Haiti. However,
in addition to Haitian rule, at different intervals
throughout history the Dominican people also have
been subjugated to French and Spanish rule.
In December of 1821, Dominicans obtained
temporary freedom after battling Spain. Once more
during the War of Restoration (1863-1865),
the Dominican Republic acquired independence
from Spain. Ironically, Haiti gave refuge and supplies
to the Dominican revolutionaries to prevent Spain
from establishing itself as a colonial power.
The Dominican Flag
The flag of the Dominican Republic is a symbolic
flag composed of an emblem; bible; cross; braches
of olive and palm around the shield of the emblem;
and three principle colors: blue, red and white.
The flag’s three principle colors have different
meanings: blue stands for liberty, white stands
for peace and salvation, and red symbolizes the
blood of the heroes who fought for freedom.
Dominican Republic’s Catholic influence is
evident in its flag with the red and blue divided
by a white cross. Atop the bible sits a crucifix
and the bible is open to the Gospel of John, which
reads: And the truth shall make you free. Above
the flag’s emblem is an inscription that reads:
God, Country and Freedom.
Capital: Santo Domingo
Official Language: Spanish
Government: Democratic Republic
Population: 11 million
Main Religion: Roman Catholic
Captain Jose Luperon, older brother
of Gregorio Luperon, former president
of the Dominican Republic, participated
in the United States Civil War alongside
Union Troops
Western Hemisphere Firsts -
1st University: Universidad Autonoma
de Santo Domingo
1st Cathedral: Catedral de Santa Maria
La Menor
1st Catholic Mass: 1492