Jenny McDermott
January 17, 2018
Controversial video blogger Jenny McDermott has once more created a firestorm—even though the video first surfaced in summer 2016. In the video, McDermott calls for the death of all male babies. According to several sources, the self-proclaimed feminist retracted her comments.
“McDermott’s inflammatory words targeted innocent human beings, which in turn, contradicts her so-called feminist beliefs ”
McDermott (or YouTube) appears to have removed the controversial video. Nonetheless, the video has reappeared on social media and once more is making the rounds. In the first week of January, fellow YouTuber Paul Logan uploaded a video of a dead person at the Aokigahara Forest at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan. It is common knowledge the forest is a place some visit to commit suicide.
In a blog post published on January 16, YouTube tightened its rules to “prevent bad actors from harming the inspiring and original creators around the world who make a living on YouTube. Logan apologized on January 2, for posting the tasteless video.
“McDermott’s words have the potential to generate senseless violence rather than to solve problems.”
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution provides one with freedom of speech. However, McDermott’s message calls for the death of a group based on their gender: gendercide. McDermott has proclaimed herself a feminist, yet feminism is about emancipating women and social justice and equality for all. Her inflammatory words targeted innocent human beings, which in turn, contradicts her so-called feminist beliefs.
Although McDermott is not new to making controversial comments, she used social media platforms to reach and attempt to influence as many people possible. Fortunately, her previous social media accounts appear to have been deleted or she lost most subscribers and followers. McDermott now goes by the name Jenny Kiss with 1,475 subscribers on YouTube and 1,185 on Instagram.
McDermott’s views do not address violence produced by the system (militarism, racism, etc.) She does not offer a political solution to violence against women and also falls into binary traps. For instance, where do hermaphrodites and intersex people fall within her scheme? McDermott’s views are reactionary and conservative. Her shock factor excludes any in-depth discussion; her words have the potential to generate senseless violence rather than to solve problems.
Transcript of Jenny McDermott's vile message below:
“We need to kill all men. I am sick of being a baby factory that produces more men that will just in the future subjugate me. So the only answer to that is to kill male babies and kill just any man that you see like in the streets. Like any swing and dead, just kill them. Because we want the species to go on but we want it only to go on with women in it. So that’s what we got to do…that’s the only way to keep the human race going with just women.”